This drama based on webcomic “Naeil” by Ra Ma. In Drama Tomorrow, Kim Hee Seon, Ro Woon, Lee Soo Hyuk, Yoon Ji On star. From April 1, 2022, it airs every Friday & Saturday 22:00 on MBC here We provide drama Tomorrow with cast and synopsis.
Drama Detail
Drama: Tomorrow
Hangul: 내일 (Naeil)
Director: Kim Tae-Yoon, Sung Chi-Wook
Writer: Ra Ma (webcomic), Kim Yoo-Jin
Network: MBC
Episodes: 16
Release Date: April 1 – May 21, 2022
Runtime: Friday & Saturday 22:00
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
A man named Choi Jun-Woong (Ro Woon) is looking for a job, but it’s hard for him to get hired.
He bumps into grim reapers Koo Ryeon (Kim Hee-Seon) and Im Ryoog-Gu by accident. Team: The two grim reapers belong to a group that helps deal with crises. It’s led by Koo Ryeon and Lim Ryung-Gu is a member. They want to help people who are suicidal. A new member of the crisis management team is coming soon. Choi Jun-Woong will soon join the group.
Kim Hee Seon as Koo Ryun
Ro Woon as Choi Joon Woong
Lee Soo Hyuk as Choi Joong Kil
Yoon Ji On as Im Ryoong Koo
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Quotes Line from Drama Tomorrow EP 1
They’ll teach them a surefire and painless method and recruit people.
I think they told them how to commit suicide by breathing in the car exhaust.
-Lim Ryung Gu-
I’m happy to wake up early!
I’m happy to miss early morning soccer games!
It can even be Monday every day!
If only I can have an employee ID card.
I really, really can’t write any more cover letters.
-Choi Jun Woong-
Getting involved will only cause more problems.
-Choi Jun Woong-
Why am I waking up three years later? Why…
So this is why people say never make life plans!
What’s the point of a job when tomorrow isn’t guaranteed?
If I knew this would happen, I would’ve just lived how I wanted.
-Choi Jun Woong-
So you’re looking for a god now?
There is no god to help you.
The only thing awaiting you is the pain of Hell.
-Park Joong Gil-
How is taking your own life any different from murder?
It is the most selfish act, with no consideration
of the pain of those left behind.
-Park Joong Gil-
Suicide is the biggest mistake a human can make
and a crime that should never be committed.
-Park Joong Gil-
Why do our employees work so hard?
So that they can be reborn with a silver spoon in their mouth!
Money, honor, health.
The advantage of being born with whichever one they want.
-King Of Heaven-
It’s half a success and half a failure.
Neither this nor that.
-King Of Heaven-
If you know the weight of what it means
to save or kill a person with only a word,
you should know what I’m saying right now.
-King Of Heaven-
Don’t say anything or ask anything,
and just pretend you’re not here.
-Koo Ryeon-
Not everyone’s as simple as you are.
-Koo Ryeon-
Let’s live honestly. Be honest.
-Lim Ryung Gu-
Many people think they have that ability,
then lose everything on stocks or cryptocurrency.
-Lim Ryung Gu-
It could be very unpleasant and very scary.
That’s what it’s like in memories.
-Koo Ryeon-
Quotes Line from Drama Tomorrow EP 2
Those who stomp on others don’t remember.
Only those who get stomped on remember.
-Koo Ryeon-
No one ever helps because…
they’re scared it’ll affect them.
It’s the same then and now.
Nothing has changed.
-Noh Eun Bi-
With time, you should’ve forgotten about it.
If you couldn’t, you should’ve overcome it.
You think everything will be over if you die?
-Koo Ryeon-
Aren’t the bullies who made you suffer for no reason the ones in the wrong?
So get up. This isn’t your end.
Do you think you’ll be happy if you avoid misery?
There’s no salvation unless you save yourself.
So don’t ever let anyone treat you horribly.
-Koo Ryeon-
It’s not a punishment but a price.
The price of a choice.
A choice made by those who are more afraid of tomorrow than of death.
So they pay the price by walking in regret.
-Lim Ryung Gu-
People like you always say you were just joking,
after trampling on someone’s soul.
But it’s hell for those on the receiving end.
-Koo Ryeon-
From now on, you’ll be hated by those who have never met you,
And those words will eat into your soul.
Still, it would be better for you to live.
Because the Hell you’d go to after death is much more horrifying.
-Koo Ryeon-
They just want to smile and live normal lives.
It’s not that they want to die.
It’s that they just didn’t want to live like that.
So, don’t talk about them like that…
when you don’t know anything about them!
-Choi Jun Woong-
Someone who will take their own life.
Rescue the poor soul,
who has forgotten what a gift life is.
-King Of Heaven-
There may be someone around us who are depressed,
and or are struggling for a number of complex reasons.
Please look out with warm attention,
and if possible, ask them what difficulties are they having.
For your family, friends, colleagues, and neighbors,
your warm words may offer a great comfort to protect their lives.
If you need expert help counsel,
please do not hesitate to call the suicide prevention hotline.
You Can Watch Legally Drama Tomorrow on Netflix
All About Drama Tomorrow (Lyrics & Quotes) here
Captured and written by: sparkling @ cafehallyu